Ahead – Duolingo for emotional intelligence

By | May 15, 2024

Ahead is an iOS app built by behavior change experts.

Ahead is described as a “personalized pocket coach that provides bite-sized, science-driven tools to boost emotional intelligence. Think of it as a pocket cheerleader towards a better, more fulfilling, clearer-minded way of life.”

Here are excerpts from the associated website:

1) The journey of change may be long, but our sessions are quick. We get to the point and tell you what you want to know.

2) We help you take concrete small steps towards your goals. Learning just a bit, then immediately springing into action.

3) By managing your goals in a realistic way, we help you avoid tackling too much at once.

4) Effective, memorable exercises (jazzed with a healthy dose of humor) will help you stick to your goals.

A recent blog entry in the website is entitled, “Debunking the Myth: Anger Control Classes Benefit Everyone.”

See: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ahead-emotions-coach/id1570430177

Website: https://www.ahead-app.com/