Patrick Kennedy shines light on mental health, addiction

By | May 26, 2024

Patrick Kennedy shines light on mental health, addiction

The former lawmaker from Rhode Island sees a role for public policy in battling these problems.

By DAVID COHEN – 05/26/2024 05:33 PM EDT

Kennedy’s new book, written with Stephen Fried, is “Profiles in Mental Health Courage,” a title that plays off President John F. Kennedy’s best-selling 1956 book “Profiles in Courage,” which focused on gallant senators from John Quincy Adams to Robert Taft.

Patrick Kennedy’s book spotlights people trying to confront a range of personal challenges, as well as those around them.

“Often, in these narratives, we focus on the first person memoir, but we lose sight of all the other people who are affected by their illness,” he told host Dana Bash. “And I think that was the consistent theme throughout the book is, we really interviewed all the family members and co-workers, colleagues, because we really don’t have an appreciation for how this illness, which we say is one in four, is really one in one, because it affects everyone around the person who’s suffering.”

Kennedy saw a role for public policy in battling these problems. He lamented that multiple industries have seemingly been given permission to benefit from addiction, including social media.

“As a nation, the adults are letting the next generation down, because here we are having addiction-for-profit industries,” he said. “And it doesn’t just end with social media. Every other ad is from sports betting, and gambling is a major mental health problem. And it’s only going to increase because, like we learned with big tobacco, these companies that make money make money off of getting new subscribers, new people to smoke cigarettes…”

The son of the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) added: “Democrats used to be on the side of taking on corporate, big addiction-for-profit companies. And, unfortunately, I think we’re letting down our next generation by letting that all happen.”
