Mind Over Matter

By | November 10, 2008

msnbc.com reports that if you change your mind, you might change your body, too.  According to the report published today, psychologists say our “self talk” or “internal dialogue” can make or break a fitness routine.

Gareth Dutton, a psychologist at Florida State University, is quoted as saying, “The thing that precedes your behavior is a thought, and we sometimes aren’t good at getting in touch with our thoughts. We’re on autopilot.”  Dutton says it is important to: 1) recognize how your thoughts are undermining your exercise plan, and 2) challenge the negative thinking.

Example of a negative thought: “I’ve missed a few workouts, so I might as well throw in the towel.”

Alternative: “I’ve temporarily fallen off the fitness wagon, but I can get back on. Why did I miss those workouts, and how can I avoid this happening next time? How can I change my schedule to make exercise fit in?”

Original Source: msnbc.msn.com/id/27598392/

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