Politics, Stress, and Emotional Health

By | November 15, 2008

In the wake of political protest, the Bangkok Post has published an article under a banner that says, “Politics and Mental Health”.

According to the article, Dr. Yongyud Wongpiromsarn, senior adviser of the Mental Health Department, said the willingness to accept a different opinion is a measurement of the emotional quotient (EQ) of an individual.

A person with high EQ is described as being able to calmly listen to an argument without resorting to verbal outbursts. Prolonged stress can help people develop skills to handle stress.

People tend to be more stressed if they only listen to one side of an argument.

“People who have begun to suffer from stress relating to the political crisis should attempt to think positively such as “both sides have good intentions for the country,” or “political thoughts can change and disagreeing foes can switch to different sides or even turn to the same side,” or “it’s okay to have a different opinion and violence is not needed”.

Original Source: bangkokpost.com//131108_Mylife/13Nov2008_family001.php

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