Emotions are Socially Contagious

By | December 8, 2008

In a study published online (December 4) by the British Medical Journal, scientists from Harvard University and UC San Diego indicate that happiness spreads through social networks of family, friends and neighbors – even three degrees removed.

The scientists, who examined the relationships of 4,739 people for a period of twenty years (1983 – 2003), concluded that happiness is like a contagious disease.

Co-author, James H. Fowler, an associate professor of political science at UC San Diego is quoted in one report as saying, “If your friend’s friend’s friend becomes happy, that has a bigger impact on you being happy than putting an extra $5,000 in your pocket.”

Fowler added that he feels “so much more responsible [now] that I know that if I come home in a bad mood I’m not only affecting my wife and son, but my son’s best friend or my wife’s mother.”  As a result, he now intentionally listens to his favorite song while on his way home from work.

Author your happiness and share it with others.

Study Source: http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/337/dec04_2/a2338

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