Teaching Teachers About Emotional Health

By | January 18, 2009

Under the headline, “CSI paying more attention to emotional health of students,” KMVT Channel 11 in Southern Idaho reports that “officials at the College of Southern Idaho [have] brought in professionals to teach faculty members the signs of depression, anxiety, trauma, and other disorders.”

A workshop instructor says, “most of us don’t know how to identify them or recognize [when] something is wrong.”

According to the news report, “40 percent of college students will become so depressed at one time or another during the four years they work towards their degree, that many may have trouble functioning.”  What’s more, “officials say 60 percent of students with mental illnesses are not treated.”

Original Source: kmvt.com/news/local/37680389.html

Do you know how to recognize depression, anxiety, and other disorders?

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