Emotional Health Alliance

By | July 13, 2009

Based in the United Kingdom, the Emotional Health Alliance is a learning network comprised of twenty organizations that works to ensure that today’s emotional challenge does not become tomorrow’s problem.

James Park, Chair of the Emotional Health Alliance: “The approaches we offer are designed to help children and young people free themselves from emotional confusion so that they can work out much better solutions that work for them.  That means offering children and young people the experience of a relationship that enables them to replace confusion with coherence, anger with containment, anxiety with calm, and fear with comfort.”

“We can insure that today’s emotional challenge does not become tomorrow’s problem because building relationships in which young people can work things out for themselves is a much better stimulus for their growth and maturity than telling them how to behave; because enabling young people to think, together with their teachers and with each other about how they want to learn and what they want to learn, will do much more for their attainment than driving them to higher exam results; and because shaping school environments in which staff, as well as students, feel capable, listened to, accepted, safe and included (CLASI) will enable everyone to achieve more and enrich alliance.”

Original Web Site: www.ehalliance.org.uk


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