American Psychiatric Association Endorses ‘Public Option’

By | October 6, 2009

On September 18, 2009, the American Psychiatric Association (APA), whose membership includes more than 38,000 physicians, announced that its Board of Trustees voted unanimously to support H.R. 3200, America’s Affordable Health Choices Act, as the basis for health reform.  In doing so, the APA said it was “pleased to stand with the American Medical Association.”

The APA Board of Trustees also voted to support the concept of a public plan option based upon the voluntary participation of physicians and other healthcare professionals in the ongoing dialogue of health care reform.

Download the announcement: APA_Endorses_HR3200_091809.pdf (37K)

APA Chief Executive Officer Norman B. Anderson, PhD, sent letters to Congress in June and July that noted, if passed, the health reform legislation would improve “access to affordable, quality health care for our nation, most notably for the 47 million individuals who are currently uninsured.”


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