America’s Mental Health

By | February 10, 2017

Should everyone have a right to quality mental health care?

Consider these statistics:

     • Mental health conditions cost the economy an estimated $193 billion dollars in lost earnings each year.

     • Mental health conditions are the number one cause of disability and workplace absenteeism.

     • Suicide is at a 30-year high. Every day, an average of 117 people die by suicide.

     • Up to 25% of people who are homeless live with a serious mental illness.

     • People with serious mental illness are jailed at nearly 4 times the rate of other individuals.

From the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid expansion, to the mental health provisions in the 21st Century Cures Act, millions of Americans have gained access to quality, affordable care. What’s the future of such legislation?

America's Mental Health

Source: National Alliance on Mental Illness