Closer Than People Realize

By | October 13, 2008

Headline of an October 12 editorial at in Connecticut: Mental Illness Is Closer Than People Realize.

Every town has people with mental illness. The genes, molecules, brain changes and trauma that cause mental illnesses do not check ZIP codes or income.”

Chances are that you meet people with mental illnesses every day without knowing it. We don’t wear badges or cowbells anymore.”

“’Crazy’ is not a useful term. People with illnesses have personalities, talents, skills, jobs, and relationships. They have ties to the community, addresses, and appointments the next day.”

“Mental illness is not a crime. Most people with mental illnesses are not criminals and most criminals do not have mental illnesses. Mental illness doesn’t make you a bad neighbor.”

The editorial was written by Robert E. Davidson, director of the Eastern Regional Mental Health Board, a planning, evaluation and advocacy agency for people with mental illnesses in Eastern Connecticut.

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