Author Archives: Emo Health

Healthy Aging

In Bangladesh, The Daily Star bills itself as “journalism without fear or favour.”  Here’s an excerpt of an article published today with the headline, “Towards a healthy aging”. “Your mental and emotional health is important. Protect or improve your emotional health by staying in touch with friends, family, and the community. People who feel connected… Read More »

Free Crisis Counseling Services

Free crisis counseling services are available to residents in 34 Texas counties in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike.  Disaster-related crisis counseling services are funded by FEMA and administered by the Texas Department of State Health Services. In a related news item, the Associated Press reports that crisis counseling helps people understand that their emotional reactions… Read More »

Depression and Pregnancy

Allie Montgomery writes for Health News: “Mothers-to-be who suffer from depression have been shown to have twice the risk of delivering a premature infant than pregnant women that have no symptoms of depression. This risk for premature infants increases as the symptoms of depression become more severe.” “Premature birth is the leading medical expenditure for… Read More »

Mental Health Issues and Presidential Candidates

The politically-conservative “Common Sense Government Blog” has published a compilation of information regarding mental health issues and U.S. Presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama. “McCain has voted against mental health parity and, in his health care plan on his website, makes no mention of mental health as an issue.” “Obama specifically includes mental health… Read More »

Older Adults and Suicide

Cynthia Hubert for the Sacramento Bee: “When teenagers or younger adults take their own lives, the losses trigger society’s alarm bells. But it is older people, particularly men 65 and older, who have the highest rate of suicide of any age group.” During the past decade, statistics show, older people have consistently had the highest… Read More »

Student Health and Academic Success

Researchers at the University of Minnesota have found a clear connection between student health and academic success.  They matched grade point averages with typical health problems for nearly 10,000 Minnesota college students. What affects grades the most?  Stress!  Students who reported eight or more emotional stresses – anything from failing a class to credit card… Read More »

Basic Emotional Education

“Forget SATs: lesson one is a basic emotional education” – headline above Mark Johnson’s October 15 Op/Ed in The Guardian. “Too many children live with a dysfunctionality that goes back generations…  At school, these children aren’t mentally or emotionally ready for the academic learning designed for others.” “The number of people with missing emotional development… Read More »

Eating Disorders – Listen and Share

Eight men and women (including Miss America 2008), who have struggled with eating disorders (i.e., anorexia, bulimia), share their personal stories in an audio feature published this morning on the New York Times web site. There’s also a corresponding section for written comments.  Listen to the personal stories, read comments, and share your own. See/Hear: … Read More »

Anti-Depression Meds Without Therapy

Headline in today’s USA Today:  Study: Most depressed kids get antidepressants but no therapy “At least half of U.S. children who take antidepressants aren’t in therapy, a large study suggests, and that delays recovery while greatly increasing the number of kids on the medication who are suicidal.” The report tracks insurance claims for antidepressants from… Read More »