Author Archives: Emo Health

Backline – Wellness Hub for Music Industry

Backline, a new mental health foundation and a collective effort of the music industry, has been formed to raise awareness and provide easy access to mental health resources for performers and professionals in the music industry. The project will begin as a “referral-based system, where [mental health] professionals will assess visitors’ needs and lead them… Read More »

Project CommUNITY: Shining Light on Mental Health

At the beginning of this year (2019), officials in New Hampshire released a blueprint for how the state plans to address the mental health crisis for the next decade. See coverage of the 10-year plan on WMUR-TV in Manchester, New Hampshire: View Part 3 of the WMUR Project CommUNITY special, “Shining Light on… Read More »

National Suicide Hotline Designation Act of 2019

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the USA, with more than twice as many suicides as homicides. Do you think there should be a three-digit telephone code for help with suicidal thoughts, just as there’s a three-digit number (911) in the USA for emergencies? The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a free… Read More »

Oregon Students Take Mental Health Days

Four teenagers in Oregon led a successful, first of its kind, effort in the USA to treat physical and mental health equally by lobbying for a mental health bill that was signed by Oregon’s governor in July. As a result, Oregon schools now allow students to miss classes for mental or behavioral health reasons without… Read More »

Coping with Depression and Negative Emotions

Each person who experiences depression does so in their own way. In this video, Pete Holmes, most known for his comedy, talks about coping with depression by “witnessing” his thoughts and feelings using a technique he learned from Ram Dass. Listen to how Pete Holmes describes his experience with depression, anxiety, and negative emotions in… Read More »

Fika – App for Emotional Fitness + AI Social and Dating App

“Exercise keeps us physically fit, but what about our Emotional Fitness?” Fika is an app designed in the UK to help students be emotionally fit by developing skills for resilience, coping, active listening, and healthy relationships. Fika is inspired by Scandinavian culture and draws on scientific evidence from Sports Psychology, CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), Positive… Read More »