Author Archives: Emo Health

Emotional Health Alliance

Based in the United Kingdom, the Emotional Health Alliance is a learning network comprised of twenty organizations that works to ensure that today’s emotional challenge does not become tomorrow’s problem. James Park, Chair of the Emotional Health Alliance: “The approaches we offer are designed to help children and young people free themselves from emotional confusion… Read More »

Beyond the Shadows of Stigma

“Beyond the Shadows of Stigma” is an 8-minute video produced by the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation (CPR) that highlights the work of participants in a Photovoice course, “Taking off the Blinders: A Project to Combat Stigma and Discrimination.” Photovoice puts cameras in the hands of individuals and asks them to produce statements made up of… Read More »

Positive Emotional Psychology – Barbara Fredrickson

Barbara Fredrickson, a pioneer in the field of positive emotional psychology, is a Professor of Psychology and principal investigator of the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Laboratory (a.k.a. PEP Lab) at the University of North Carolina. In her new book (published in January), Positivity: Groundbreaking Research Reveals How to Embrace the Hidden Strength of Positive Emotions,… Read More »

Emotional Healing – Barbara Miller Fishman

Barbara Miller Fishman, Ph.D. is an author, psychotherapist, and meditation teacher who has extensive experience working with people on a psychological and spiritual path toward healing and wholeness.  After years of working with women as a psychotherapist, she developed the discipline of Mindfulness Psychotherapy, a combination of mindfulness meditation and psychotherapy. Fishman’s book, Emotional Healing through Mindfulness… Read More »

Emotional Maturity

At a birthday celebration some years ago, a friend of ours raised a glass and said, “I never grew up and I never stopped growing.” What is emotional maturity? DJ Chuang writes, “Emotional maturity isn’t something that necessarily grows with chronological age… Emotional maturity is being responsible for one’s behaviors. Emotional maturity recognizes it’s okay… Read More »

Emotional Intelligence – Daniel Goleman

In one of our first blog posts (October 2008), we shared news from Jamaica about a training manual, Raising Emotionally Smart Children. We explained at the time that “Emotional intelligence involves Self-awareness, Emotional management, Empathy, and Managing Relationships.” Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author, and lecturer whose 1995 book (updated in 2005), Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ… Read More »