Beyond the Shadows of Stigma

By | July 10, 2009

“Beyond the Shadows of Stigma” is an 8-minute video produced by the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation (CPR) that highlights the work of participants in a Photovoice course, “Taking off the Blinders: A Project to Combat Stigma and Discrimination.”

Photovoice puts cameras in the hands of individuals and asks them to produce statements made up of pictures and words that communicate their experience. CPR’s Photovoice course supports the personal empowerment of those living with serious mental illnesses in combating stigma.

The Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation (CPR) is affiliated with Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at Boston University. The Center is a research, training, and service organization dedicated to improving the lives of persons who have psychiatric disabilities by improving the effectiveness of people, programs, and service systems.

CPR’s Personal Assistance Services (PAS) Curriculum delivers training that prepares individuals to become PAS providers for those with psychiatric disabilities. The curriculum is designed to be used by individuals with disabilities, mental health workers, and those with no expertise in mental health. The PAS Curriculum is free and available for download from the Center’s website.

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