Category Archives: education

Emotional Health Alliance

Based in the United Kingdom, the Emotional Health Alliance is a learning network comprised of twenty organizations that works to ensure that today’s emotional challenge does not become tomorrow’s problem. James Park, Chair of the Emotional Health Alliance: “The approaches we offer are designed to help children and young people free themselves from emotional confusion… Read More »

Emotional Freedom – Dr. Judith Orloff

Dr. Judith Orloff, an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA, has written a new book, “Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life.”  She describes the book as “a guide to staying brave and positive during stressful times.” Dr. Orloff says, “Emotional freedom is being able to transform negative emotions into… Read More »

Becoming Emotionally Aware – Vocabulary for Emotions

Two months ago, in an entry titled, “The Look On Your Face,” this blog described a $2.7 million grant for an intervention program designed to help save children from lifelong emotional problems by helping youngsters ages 3-5 to read facial expressions. Just as reading facial expressions is important, so is recognizing and expressing one’s feelings. … Read More »

Emotionally Healthy Families

On November 16, we shared in this blog efforts to make Salinas, California an “emotional-health-friendly city.” We’re now happy to provide an update. The Salinas Adult School held its annual Parent University program on Saturday, January 31.  The focus of this year’s Parent University: raising emotionally healthy families. Through more than 50 workshops, parents learned… Read More »

Schoolchildren in Northern Ireland

The Belfast Telegraph reports, “More than one in ten of Northern Ireland’s schoolchildren are suffering from serious mental health problems including anorexia, bulimia, self-harming tendencies and depression – and teachers cannot cope.” The Ulster Teachers’ Union says these children “need much more support than they are currently receiving.”  All post-primary schools have access to counseling,… Read More »

Teaching Teachers About Emotional Health

Under the headline, “CSI paying more attention to emotional health of students,” KMVT Channel 11 in Southern Idaho reports that “officials at the College of Southern Idaho [have] brought in professionals to teach faculty members the signs of depression, anxiety, trauma, and other disorders.” A workshop instructor says, “most of us don’t know how to… Read More »

The Look On Your Face

Carroll Izard, University of Delaware Distinguished Professor of Psychology, has received a $2.7 million grant from the National Institute of Mental Health for work on an intervention program to help save children from lifelong emotional problems. The project includes over 250 children in Head Start’s preschool program in Wilmington. Most of the children, ages 3… Read More »

Promoting Emotional Health in Schools

This week, a blog at in London, England reminds us of the need to promote mental and emotional health, not simply react to mental illness. The blog’s author attended an Optimus Education conference on Mental Health in Schools and was impressed with a session delivered by the Samaritans that focused on a program they’ve… Read More »