Category Archives: worldwide

Linking Emotional and Physical Health reminds us that “poor emotional health can actually weaken the body’s immune system, making you vulnerable to a host of infections.” A writer asks, “How many of us actually notice that we tend to be more prone to catching cold when emotionally stressed?” According to the article, a recent (unnamed) report “indicates that people… Read More »

Promoting Emotional Health in Schools

This week, a blog at in London, England reminds us of the need to promote mental and emotional health, not simply react to mental illness. The blog’s author attended an Optimus Education conference on Mental Health in Schools and was impressed with a session delivered by the Samaritans that focused on a program they’ve… Read More »

Politics, Stress, and Emotional Health

In the wake of political protest, the Bangkok Post has published an article under a banner that says, “Politics and Mental Health”. According to the article, Dr. Yongyud Wongpiromsarn, senior adviser of the Mental Health Department, said the willingness to accept a different opinion is a measurement of the emotional quotient (EQ) of an individual.… Read More »

Emotional Health and Obesity

Headline in the Telegraph: Tackling emotional health ‘key to solving obesity crisis’ According to the Mayo clinic, 75% of Britons are overweight. According to Dr. Colin Waine, chairman of the National Obesity Forum, the problem is “even more serious than global warming.”  (Whoa! Really?) U.K. Health Secretary Alan Johnson announced the Government’s plans for a… Read More »

Healthy Aging

In Bangladesh, The Daily Star bills itself as “journalism without fear or favour.”  Here’s an excerpt of an article published today with the headline, “Towards a healthy aging”. “Your mental and emotional health is important. Protect or improve your emotional health by staying in touch with friends, family, and the community. People who feel connected… Read More »

mental health Gap Action Programme

In a majority of countries, less than 2% of health funds are spent on mental health. Worldwide, every 40 seconds, one person dies of suicide – one of the leading causes of death among young adults. Suicide is a condition that is preventable. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 75% of people… Read More »

No Health Without Mental Health

Marking the 16th annual World Mental Health Day (October 10), UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said, “Mental health is of paramount importance for personal well-being, family relationships and an individual’s ability to contribute to society.  On this World Mental Health Day, let us recognize that there can be no health without mental health.” Original Source:… Read More »

Mental Health and the Work Place

Headline from the TimesOnline in the U.K. (Oct. 7):  “Workers keep silent on mental health problems” “Workers may feel comfortable handing in a sick note for flu or physical illness this winter but mental health problems such as depression still carry a stigma.” “Nearly half of workers reported not being happy to disclose a… Read More »

Face mental illness: a 10-step plan

The recently established Mental Health Commission of Canada announced it will address stigma against the mentally ill through a national strategy. However, two writers for say we should not wait until a national strategy is unveiled to begin to address the complex issues that need our attention. They offer “10 steps to immediately begin… Read More »