Category Archives: worldwide

Postage Stamp for Mental Health

A postal stamp to raise funds for mental health research and patient support has been launched in Nova Scotia to coincide with with Mental Illness Awareness Week.  The stamp features a person stepping out of the shadows with a megaphone to broadcast the plight of mental health patients. Canada Post hopes to raise $1 million… Read More »

Choir Singers for Emotional Health

“Evidence suggests that choir participation can have a significant impact on physical, mental and emotional health,” writes Michael Kelly at “One in four people in Ireland will experience mental health problems in their lifetime but mostly they hide it because of the stigma attached, says Ted Tierney, deputy chief executive of Mental Health Ireland. These… Read More »

200 Million People Need Treatment

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 300 million people suffer from mental health disorders of which about 200 million are not receiving the treatment they need. The WHO Mental Health and Substance Abuse Department Director is quoted as saying, “The key point is to give voice to people with mental health problems so… Read More »