“Change A Mind And Change A Life”

By | October 21, 2009

A new web site, BringChange2Mind.org, reports “1 in 6 adults and almost 1 in 10 children suffer from a diagnosable mental illness. Yet, for many, the stigma associated with the illness, can be as great a challenge as the disease itself. This is where the misconceptions stop. This is where bias comes to an end. This is where we change lives. Because this is where we Bring Change 2 Mind.”

You’re invited to share your story, learn the facts, get help, be involved, and get in contact.

The Home page includes a number of videos, including features with Ron Howard, Glenn Close (and her sister, Jessie), Brigadier General Loree Sutton, and others.

Glenn and Jessie Close will talk about Bring Change 2 Mind on Good Morning America and The View (both ABC) and Dr. Nancy (MSNBC) today, Wednesday, October 21, 2009.

BringChange2Mind.org is a not-for-profit organization created by Glenn Close, the Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation (CABF), Fountain House, and Garen and Shari Staglin of IMHRO (International Mental Health Research Organization).

The idea of a national anti-stigma campaign was born of a partnership between Glenn Close and Fountain House, where Glenn volunteered in order to learn about mental illness.


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