Emotional Health: What it is, How to Maintain it

By | October 17, 2008

People who are emotionally healthy and who practice good emotional healthcare are aware of their thoughts and feelings, process them effectively, communicate them clearly, and are in control of their behavior. Ultimately, those of us who are emotionally healthy feel good about ourselves and have good relationships.

But it’s important to remember that those of us who generally have good emotional health sometimes have emotional problems that can range from those with little significance, such as normal daily stress, all the way through to severe mental illness, such as major depression.

Severe mental illness often has a physical cause, such as a chemical imbalance, but daily stress and everyday problems with family, work or school can create or exacerbate these situations and lead to more serious problems.

Those of us who are emotionally healthy have learned ways to cope with stress and problems and know that when life’s problems appear, it’s important to speak with a professional.

Source: Frank Mannarino

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