Mental healthcare IS healthcare!

By | July 17, 2021

mental healthcare

California just implemented the strongest mental healthcare law in the entire United States. At a time when anxiety, depression, loneliness, and PTSD are on the rise, such legislation is urgent. However, health insurance companies remain intent on raking in profits without doling out help, constantly putting greed above the health of people who pay for coverage.

That’s why we’re asking all 49 other U.S. states to pass similar laws to California and expand mental healthcare access and services. Sign the petition if you agree!

It’s part of a movement toward what’s known as “mental health parity,” the ideal standard in which mental health conditions are treated with the same level of care and seriousness as physical health conditions. Under California’s previous parity law, health insurance companies could deny financial coverage for mental healthcare willy nilly. Families were pushed into debt and bankruptcy trying to access and afford treatment. Lives were disrupted. Relationships were ruined. All this so a few (usually rich old white men) at the top of the corporate ladder can keep getting richer at the expense of others.

Learn more and see the petition:

The foregoing is excerpted from a post at, “the world’s largest community for good… where you’ll find over 45 million like-minded people working towards progress, kindness, and lasting impact.”: