National Depression Screening Day

By | October 5, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009 is National Depression Screening Day.

“Whether for heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes or depression, health screenings provide a quick and easy way to spot the first signs of serious illness and can reach people who might not otherwise seek professional medical advice.

Clinical depression is a common medical illness affecting more than 19 million american adults each year. Like screenings for other illnesses, depression screenings should be a routine part of healthcare.”


Over 1,000 sites across the country are offering free, anonymous mental health screenings as part of this national awareness program.

Screening for Mental Health, Inc. (SMH) is the non-profit organization that first introduced the concept of large-scale mental health screenings with its flagship program National Depression Screening Day in 1991.

Another “free, confidential depression-screening test”:

The web site is sponsored by the Mental Health America as part of the Campaign for America’s Mental Health.


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