Standing Up for America’s Mental Health

By | January 27, 2017

The U.S. Congress is debating the future of mental health care right now (January 2017). If there is one thing we know, they need to hear from constituents.

Ask your members of Congress to ensure continued insurance safeguards and Medicaid coverage that help people with mental illness get the treatment they need.

The 114th Congress passed important mental health reforms as part of the 21st Century Cures Act to address the mental health crisis in our nation. This brings hope to the 60 million Americans living with mental illness, but these reforms are in peril if mental health coverage is not preserved.

The Affordable Care Act includes provisions that improve coverage for mental health care and promote independence and self-sufficiency for people who live with mental health conditions. With fair and equal mental health coverage, more Americans are getting treatment when they need it, helping them to stay in school, on the job and in recovery.

Ask Congress to protect access to affordable, quality mental health care.

Standing Up for America's Mental Health

For more information, see “What’s At Stake” – How the Affordable Care Act helps Americans with mental illness and why it matters, by the National Alliance on Mental Illness.