Tag Archives: emotional intelligence

Ahead – Duolingo for emotional intelligence

Ahead is an iOS app built by behavior change experts. Ahead is described as a “personalized pocket coach that provides bite-sized, science-driven tools to boost emotional intelligence. Think of it as a pocket cheerleader towards a better, more fulfilling, clearer-minded way of life.” Here are excerpts from the associated website: 1) The journey of change… Read More »

Emotional Intelligence – Daniel Goleman

In one of our first blog posts (October 2008), we shared news from Jamaica about a training manual, Raising Emotionally Smart Children. We explained at the time that “Emotional intelligence involves Self-awareness, Emotional management, Empathy, and Managing Relationships.” Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author, and lecturer whose 1995 book (updated in 2005), Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ… Read More »