Tag Archives: emotions

Coping with Depression and Negative Emotions

Each person who experiences depression does so in their own way. In this video, Pete Holmes, most known for his comedy, talks about coping with depression by “witnessing” his thoughts and feelings using a technique he learned from Ram Dass. Listen to how Pete Holmes describes his experience with depression, anxiety, and negative emotions in… Read More »

Negative Emotions: Key to Well-Being

“Negative emotions are essential for mental health.” – Tori Rodriguez, psychotherapist and Ayurvedic health coach in private practice, published by Scientific American (May 1, 2013). According to Tori Rodriguez: “Although positive emotions are worth cultivating, problems arise when people start believing they must be upbeat all the time. In fact, anger and sadness are an… Read More »

What is BFD? Borderline Personality Disorder

What is BFD? Borderline Personality Disorder BPD – Borderline Personality Disorder – is considered a treatable medical disorder characterized by a persistent instability of emotions, behaviors, and/or relationships. See this 90-second video by the Borderline Personality Disorder Resource Center at Weill Cornell Medical Center, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital: For more information: Borderline Personality Disorder Resource Center

Emotional Freedom – Dr. Judith Orloff

Dr. Judith Orloff, an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA, has written a new book, “Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life.”  She describes the book as “a guide to staying brave and positive during stressful times.” Dr. Orloff says, “Emotional freedom is being able to transform negative emotions into… Read More »

The Look On Your Face

Carroll Izard, University of Delaware Distinguished Professor of Psychology, has received a $2.7 million grant from the National Institute of Mental Health for work on an intervention program to help save children from lifelong emotional problems. The project includes over 250 children in Head Start’s preschool program in Wilmington. Most of the children, ages 3… Read More »

Emotions are Socially Contagious

In a study published online (December 4) by the British Medical Journal, scientists from Harvard University and UC San Diego indicate that happiness spreads through social networks of family, friends and neighbors – even three degrees removed. The scientists, who examined the relationships of 4,739 people for a period of twenty years (1983 – 2003),… Read More »