The Road to Resilience

By | January 3, 2009

How do people deal with difficult events that change their lives? How have you dealt with the most trying circumstances in your life?

The death of a loved one, loss of a job, serious injury or illness, being victimized by violence and other traumatic events are some of life’s most challenging experiences. Many people react with a flood of strong emotions and feelings of uncertainty.

Yet, over time, people are generally able to adapt well to life-changing situations and stressful conditions. What enables them to do so? According to the American Psychological Association (APA), the answer is resilience, an ongoing process that requires time and effort and engages people in taking a number of steps forward.

To learn more, download a seven page brochure, “The Road to Resilience” (3.5 MB, .pdf), from the APA and the Discovery Health Channel. This colorful brochure includes a series of questions to ask yourself and describes ten ways to build emotional resilience.

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