Economic Crisis as Emotional Opportunity

By | October 12, 2008
1) The world financial system is teetering on the “brink of systemic meltdown.” – Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned in Washington (October 11).
2) Economic uncertainty is tied to increased anxiety, sleep loss and gastrointestinal issues.  “Economic Crisis Takes Toll on Emotional Health” – October 8 headline at, HealthDay News.

3) “Enhanced support service for people with emotional problems in financial crisis” – October 10 headline in Hong Kong government press release.

A “Financial Crisis Emotional Support Hotline” is opening in Hong Kong and extra funding is being provided for face-to-face counseling and support groups “to help strengthen skills for coping with stress and working out positive ways to manage problems.”

4) Financial News Raises Stress (CBS News Video):

5) Annual Stress in America Survey Shows Increasing Stress Takes Toll on Physical and Emotional Health.  Released by the American Psychological Association (APA) on October 7.

“When asked about the recent financial crisis, almost half of Americans say that they are increasingly stressed about their ability to provide for their family’s basic needs. Eight out of 10 say that the economy is a significant cause of stress, up from 66 percent in April.”

“Almost half of Americans (48 percent) reported overeating or eating unhealthy foods to manage stress.”

“According to APA, the health consequences of extreme stress are most severe when people ignore symptoms and fail to manage their stress well.”

The Stress in America survey is part of APA’s Mind/Body Health public education campaign. For information on the survey or managing stress, visit

Pause, don’t panic; Identify financial stressors and make a plan; Recognize how you deal with stress; Turn challenging times into opportunities; Ask for professional support.

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