Give an Hour – Free Services

By | January 5, 2009

“Give an Hour” is a non-profit organization providing free mental/emotional health services to U.S. military personnel and families affected by the current wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

As part of its stated mission “to develop national networks of volunteers capable of responding to both acute and chronic conditions that arise within our society…, Give an Hour is asking mental health professionals nationwide to literally give an hour of their time each week to provide free mental health services to military personnel and their families.”

“According to a RAND report released in April 2008, over 18 percent of troops who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan–nearly 300,000 troops–have symptoms of post-traumatic stress or major depression… RAND also reports that only 53 percent of service members with PTSD or depression sought help over the past year.”

“A major barrier preventing military personnel from seeking appropriate treatment is the perception of stigma associated with treatment. Many fear that seeking mental health services will jeopardize their career or standing. Others are reluctant to expose their vulnerabilities to providers who are often military personnel themselves, given the military culture’s emphasis on strength, confidence, and bravery. Servicemen and servicewomen might be more inclined to seek help if they know that the services provided are completely independent of the military. By providing services that are separate from the military establishment, we offer an essential option for men and women who might otherwise fail to seek or receive appropriate services.”

Plus, “let us not forget: millions of Americans belong to the families of these servicemen and servicewomen. Spouses, children, parents, siblings, and unmarried partners of military personnel are all being adversely affected by the stress and strain of the current military campaign.”

In addition to military personnel, Give an Hour provides “services to parents, siblings, and unmarried partners who are not entitled to receive mental health benefits through the military.”

Give an Hour’s “goal is to provide easy access to skilled professionals for all of the people affected by the current wars. Participating mental health professionals offer a wide range of services including individual, marital, and family therapy; substance abuse counseling; treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder; and counseling for individuals with traumatic brain injuries.”

Give an Hour has been endorsed by the American Association of Pastoral Counselors, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Association of Social Workers.

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One thought on “Give an Hour – Free Services

  1. Frank Mannarino

    As an emotional healthcare professional and Viet Nam era US Navy veteran, I thought it important to offer my services through Give an Hour to veterans and their families of the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Because the trauma of ground combat can be so significant, many of our returning troops suffer emotional problems that include depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress, and grief. Families, immediate and extended, are also emotionally affected. They experience fear and worry while their loved ones are overseas, and share in the pain when they return.

    When I was informed of the Give an Hour program, I applied to become a volunteer. As of January 19th, I have been added to their roster of professionals.

    For more information, see my web site and contact me.

    Frank Mannarino

    1-888-WANNA TALK (1-888-926-6282)

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